Grant Alerts

Selected Grants & Analysis are below. This a just a representative sample, contact us with your specific needs.

Grant NameAgencyDeadlineAward AmountsTotal FundingDescription
YouthBuildDOL16-Sep-24$1,500,000 $99,000,000 Grants through a competitive process to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities.
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant ProgramUSDOT23-Sep-24$1,148,809,580 $1,148,809,580 Provides funding for highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods.
Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$100,000,000 $607,000,000 Funding to help reconnect communities previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. FY24 – 26 funding will support Capital Construction and Community Planning projects.
Restoration and Enhancement Grant ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$153,845,680 $153,845,680 The purpose of the R&E Program is to provide grants for Initiating, Restoring, or Enhancing Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation operations.
Restoration and Enhancement Grant ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$153,845,680 $153,845,680 The purpose of the R&E Program is to provide grants for Initiating, Restoring, or Enhancing Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation operations.
Landowner Cost Share Payment Programs for Climate Mitigation and/or Forest Resilience PracticesUSDA30-Sep-24$5,000,000 $140,000,000 Supports state-endorsed programs to issue cost share payments to landowners for climate mitigation and/or forest resilience practices.
Whole Person Research and Coordination CenterHHS1-Nov-24$1,500,000 Funding for the establishment of the Whole Person Research and Coordination Center, which will foster multidisciplinary collaboration and provide the logistical support infrastructure for the entire NIH Whole Person Initiative.
Establishing a Center for the Advancement of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) PharmacotherapeuticsHHS13-Nov-24$1,900,000 Establishing a technical development center (or centers) will assist researchers developing new digital therapeutics for SUD. These centers will provide idea developers with technical development support to prepare the PI for future funding applications
Continuum of Care (CoC) BuildsHUD21-Nov-24$10,000,000 $175,000,000 Targets efforts within Continuum of Care (CoC) geographic areas to address and reduce homelessness by adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time INSiDE awards under the CoC program.
REsearch Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Virtual Resource Centers HHS15-Aug-26$850,000 $2,750,000 REACH virtual resource centers will foster institutional partnerships and provide resources to support research activities and research training for faculty who work at accredited complementary and integrative health clinical institutions.
Ensuring Environmental Justice, Human Wellbeing, and Ecosystem Recovery in Puget SoundEPA10-Sep-24$7,000,000 $7,000,000 Funding to advance environmental justice (EJ) by directing resources and ultimately environmental and community benefits toward overburdened, underserved, or communities adversely and disproportionately affected by environmental and human health harms or risks.
Photovoltaics Research and Development DOE16-Sep-24$4,000,000 $20,000,000 Funding for innovative solar photovoltaics (PV) R&D that reduces the cost of PV modules, reduces carbon and energy intensity of PV manufacturing processes, and optimizes PV technology for new, specialized markets.
Water Power Innovation NetworkDOE18-Sep-24$1,000,000 $4,800,000 Supports business creation, entrepreneurship, and regional innovation for water power systems and solutions. Enables research, development, and testing of emerging technologies to advance marine energy as well as next-generation hydropower and pumped storage systems for a flexible, reliable grid.
Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) ProgramHHS20-Sep-24$80,000,000 The purpose of the THCGME Program is to support the training of residents in primary care residency training programs in community-based ambulatory patient care centers. This funding will support both the direct expenses associated with sponsoring approved graduate medical residency training programs and indirect expenses associated with the additional costs relating to teaching residents in residency training programs.
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants ProgramEPA21-Sep-24$20,000,000 $2,000,000,000 Funds environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. CBO partnership required.
National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration Grant Program (Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (Culvert AOP) Program)USDOT23-Sep-24$196,000,000 $196,000,000 Awards grants to eligible applicants for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that would meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish.
Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants DOL24-Sep-24$5,750,000 $65,000,000 Funding to to build community colleges’ capacity to meet the skill development needs of employers and equitably support students in obtaining good jobs in in-demand industries.
Strengthening Community Colleges Training GrantsDOL24-Sep-24$5,750,000 $65,000,000 The purpose of this grant program is to build community colleges’ capacity to meet the skill development needs of employers and equitably support students in obtaining good jobs in in-demand industries.
Service Area CompetitionHHS24-Sep-24$274,773,800 Funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program.
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Organizational Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)HHS28-Sep-24$500,000 Supports creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development and Mentoring Activities. Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project and are limited to $500,000 per year in direct costs, excluding consortium F&A costs. The project period may not exceed 5 years.
ROSS (Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency) Service Coordinator ProgramHUD30-Sep-24$816,750 $40,000,000 HUD provides ROSS-SC grant funding to eligible applicants to hire a Service Coordinator who assesses the needs of Public and Indian housing residents and links them to local training and supportive services that will enable participants to move along the self-sufficiency continuum.
Promoting Domestic and International Consensus on Clean Fossil Energy and Carbon Management TechnologiesDOE30-Sep-24$10,000,000 Program Area 1: Carbon Management Technologies; Program Area 2: Domestic and International Oil, Natural Gas, Methane Hydrates, Hydrogen, and Critical Minerals.
Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP)USDA30-Sep-24$5,000,000 $500,000,000 Funding to increase significantly the sales and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel by expanding the infrastructure for renewable fuels derived from U.S. agricultural products and market higher blends by sharing the costs related to building out biofuel-related infrastructure.
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (CIFIA) Program: Future Growth GrantsDOE30-Sep-24$500,000,000 $500,000,000 Original closing date was July 30, 2024. Future growth grants are intended to provide financial assistance for designing, developing, and building CO2 transport capacity up front that will then be available for future carbon capture and direct air capture facilities as they are developed and for additional CO2 storage and/or conversion sites as they come into operation.
Manufacturing USA Institute – AI for Resilient ManufacturingDOC30-Sep-24$70,000,000 $70,000,000 Call for applications to establish and operate a Manufacturing USA institute focused on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to strengthen the resilience of U.S. manufacturers. The public-private partnership will integrate expertise in AI, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks to conduct applied R&D projects that address industry-wide needs for innovation leading to greater resilience of manufacturing systems.
Bridge Investment Program - Planning and Bridge Project Grants (2025 Funding)USDOT1-Oct-24$80,000,000 $9,701,000,000 Rolling application for two funding categories: (1) Planning and (2) Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs not greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP). Planning application due 10/1/24 and bridge project application due 11/1/24.
Solar Energy Supply Chain IncubatorDOE7-Oct-24$5,000,000 $38,000,000 Funding for research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that de-risk solar hardware, manufacturing processes, and software products across a wide range of solar technology areas.
WaterSMART Drought Response Program: Drought Resiliency Projects for Fiscal Year 2025DOI7-Oct-24$10,000,000 Leverages Federal and non-Federal funding to work cooperatively with States, Tribes, and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply reliability through investments in existing infrastructure and attention to local water conflicts.
Connected Communities 2.0: Innovations to Manage Growing Transportation, Building, and Industrial Loads to the GridDOE10-Oct-24$6,000,000 $65,000,000 Designed to address major new loads from transportation, industry, and buildings on the electric grid by providing new tools for users, planners, and operators of the electric grid.
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects ProgramUSDOT16-Oct-24$23,870,000 Provides funding to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate nationally significant Federal Lands and Tribal transportation projects.
Solar Technologies’ Rapid Integration and Validation for Energy Systems (STRIVES)DOE17-Oct-24$3,000,000 $31,000,000 Funding for research, development, and demonstration projects to improve power systems simulation software tools and demonstrate new business models for distribution systems operations to integrate and optimize the value of inverter-based resources (IBRs) and distributed energy resources including solar generation, wind generation, energy storage, and other technologies such as buildings and electric vehicles.
Assisting Specialist Crop Exports: Provision of MRL InformationUSDA18-Oct-24$2,500,000 $2,500,000 Aims to open new international markets and solidify existing ones, ensuring that U.S. exports compete on fair and level playing field and helping producers and industry better understand the regulations and requirements that affect their ability to sell their products to foreign customers.
Single Source for the Continuation of the Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP) for Type 1 Diabetes (HPAP-T1D)HHS24-Oct-24$5,500,000 Supports one team of investigators with combined expertise in human pancreas physiology and pathophysiology; immunology and autoimmunity; collection, processing and multimodal analysis of human pancreatic tissues and immune compartments; and biological database building, curation and management.
Digital Equity Competitive Grant ProgramDOC24-Oct-24$12,000,000 $750,000,000 The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations.
The Road to Prevention of Stillbirth Data Coordinating Center (UM2 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)HHS1-Nov-24$2,250,000 $2,250,000 Invites applications to participate as the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for the Stillbirth Research Consortium. The DCC will assist the work of the research projects funded in the companion announcement (see RFA-HD-25-010) and will provide management and support for the Consortium.
Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process InnovationDOE8-Nov-24$3,000,000 $33,700,000 Supports research to develop smart manufacturing technologies that improve the efficiency and economics of circular supply chains; advance sustainable transportation manufacturing; accelerate the development of high-performance materials for the clean energy transition; and create more sustainable, safe, and competitive mining in the United States.
Women's Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Program (K12 Clinical Trial Optional)HHS15-Nov-24$315,000 $4,800,000 The goal of this program is to continue to build the national capacity of outstanding junior clinician-investigators who will strengthen the field of obstetrics and gynecology and contribute to the improvement of womens health. Applicants may request direct cost budgets of up to $315,000 per year. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Marine Debris Removal under the Bipartisan Infrastructure LawDOC31-Jan-25$10,000,000 $47,000,000 Supports the development and implementation of marine debris assessment, removal, and prevention projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and marine and Great Lake resources. Prioritizes large-scale removal projects that focus on marine debris that is generally unable to be collected by hand, including abandoned and derelict vessels, derelict fishing gear and other large debris. Letter of intent due September 27, 2024.
Marine Debris Interception Technologies under the Bipartisan Infrastructure LawDOC7-Feb-25$1,000,000 $7,000,000 Supports the development and implementation of marine debris assessment, removal, and prevention projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and marine and Great Lake resources. Prioritizes the installation, monitoring and maintenance of proven interception technologies that capture marine debris at or close to known debris sources or pathways. Letter of intent due October 9, 2024.
Bridge Investment Program - Large Bridge (2026 Funding)USDOT1-Aug-25Rolling application for Large Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP).
Bridge Investment Program - Planning and Bridge Project Grants (2026 Funding)USDOT1-Oct-25Rolling application for two funding categories: (1) Planning and (2) Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs not greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP). Planning application due 10/1/25 and bridge project application due 11/1/25.
Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) DemonstrationUSDOT26-May-26$1,000,000 FY 23-26 grant cycles. Funding to assistance under title 23, U.S.C. in any phase of a highway transportation project between project planning and project delivery, including planning, financing, operation, structures, materials, pavements, environment, and construction
Standardizing Data and Metadata from Wearable DevicesHHS10-Jun-26Supports the creation of standards and related efforts that will allow researchers to easily access data from personal tracking devices. The awardees will be expected to partner with device manufacturers as well as the researcher community. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Animal and Veterinary Innovation Centers HHS8-May-28$1,250,000 $3,000,000 Soliciting applications for inclusion as Animal and Veterinary Innovation Centers, which are intended to form long-term partnerships to address priority areas for FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).
Notice of Intent to Issue FOA number DE-FOA-0003383 entitled Fiscal Year 2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Batteries & Electrification FOADOEForecasted Opportunity for July/August 2024. The potential funding will drive innovations in low-cost electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing, using inexpensive and abundant battery materials in support of a viable domestic materials supply chain, and conducting smart-charge management demonstrations.
Notice of Intent to Issue: Energy Storage Pilot DemonstrationsDOE$20,000,000 $100,000,000 Anticipated release late summer/early fall. Will support pilot-scale demonstrations for non-lithium, long duration energy storage solutions that advance technical maturity, reduce uncertainty in cost and performance characteristics, generate operational datasets, and increase investor and end-user confidence in technical and commercial maturation pathways and timelines.

Grant Alerts

Selected Grants & Analysis are below. This a just a representative sample, contact us with your specific needs.

Grant NameAgencyDeadlineAward AmountsTotal FundingDescription
YouthBuildDOL16-Sep-24$1,500,000 $99,000,000 Grants through a competitive process to organizations providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities.
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant ProgramUSDOT23-Sep-24$1,148,809,580 $1,148,809,580 Provides funding for highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods.
Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$100,000,000 $607,000,000 Funding to help reconnect communities previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. FY24 – 26 funding will support Capital Construction and Community Planning projects.
Restoration and Enhancement Grant ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$153,845,680 $153,845,680 The purpose of the R&E Program is to provide grants for Initiating, Restoring, or Enhancing Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation operations.
Restoration and Enhancement Grant ProgramUSDOT30-Sep-24$153,845,680 $153,845,680 The purpose of the R&E Program is to provide grants for Initiating, Restoring, or Enhancing Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation operations.
Landowner Cost Share Payment Programs for Climate Mitigation and/or Forest Resilience PracticesUSDA30-Sep-24$5,000,000 $140,000,000 Supports state-endorsed programs to issue cost share payments to landowners for climate mitigation and/or forest resilience practices.
Whole Person Research and Coordination CenterHHS1-Nov-24$1,500,000 Funding for the establishment of the Whole Person Research and Coordination Center, which will foster multidisciplinary collaboration and provide the logistical support infrastructure for the entire NIH Whole Person Initiative.
Establishing a Center for the Advancement of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) PharmacotherapeuticsHHS13-Nov-24$1,900,000 Establishing a technical development center (or centers) will assist researchers developing new digital therapeutics for SUD. These centers will provide idea developers with technical development support to prepare the PI for future funding applications
Continuum of Care (CoC) BuildsHUD21-Nov-24$10,000,000 $175,000,000 Targets efforts within Continuum of Care (CoC) geographic areas to address and reduce homelessness by adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time INSiDE awards under the CoC program.
REsearch Across Complementary and Integrative Health Institutions (REACH) Virtual Resource Centers HHS15-Aug-26$850,000 $2,750,000 REACH virtual resource centers will foster institutional partnerships and provide resources to support research activities and research training for faculty who work at accredited complementary and integrative health clinical institutions.
Ensuring Environmental Justice, Human Wellbeing, and Ecosystem Recovery in Puget SoundEPA10-Sep-24$7,000,000 $7,000,000 Funding to advance environmental justice (EJ) by directing resources and ultimately environmental and community benefits toward overburdened, underserved, or communities adversely and disproportionately affected by environmental and human health harms or risks.
Photovoltaics Research and Development DOE16-Sep-24$4,000,000 $20,000,000 Funding for innovative solar photovoltaics (PV) R&D that reduces the cost of PV modules, reduces carbon and energy intensity of PV manufacturing processes, and optimizes PV technology for new, specialized markets.
Water Power Innovation NetworkDOE18-Sep-24$1,000,000 $4,800,000 Supports business creation, entrepreneurship, and regional innovation for water power systems and solutions. Enables research, development, and testing of emerging technologies to advance marine energy as well as next-generation hydropower and pumped storage systems for a flexible, reliable grid.
Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) ProgramHHS20-Sep-24$80,000,000 The purpose of the THCGME Program is to support the training of residents in primary care residency training programs in community-based ambulatory patient care centers. This funding will support both the direct expenses associated with sponsoring approved graduate medical residency training programs and indirect expenses associated with the additional costs relating to teaching residents in residency training programs.
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants ProgramEPA21-Sep-24$20,000,000 $2,000,000,000 Funds environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. CBO partnership required.
National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration Grant Program (Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage (Culvert AOP) Program)USDOT23-Sep-24$196,000,000 $196,000,000 Awards grants to eligible applicants for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that would meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish.
Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants DOL24-Sep-24$5,750,000 $65,000,000 Funding to to build community colleges’ capacity to meet the skill development needs of employers and equitably support students in obtaining good jobs in in-demand industries.
Strengthening Community Colleges Training GrantsDOL24-Sep-24$5,750,000 $65,000,000 The purpose of this grant program is to build community colleges’ capacity to meet the skill development needs of employers and equitably support students in obtaining good jobs in in-demand industries.
Service Area CompetitionHHS24-Sep-24$274,773,800 Funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program.
Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) Organizational Research Education Award to Promote Diversity (UE5 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)HHS28-Sep-24$500,000 Supports creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development and Mentoring Activities. Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project and are limited to $500,000 per year in direct costs, excluding consortium F&A costs. The project period may not exceed 5 years.
ROSS (Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency) Service Coordinator ProgramHUD30-Sep-24$816,750 $40,000,000 HUD provides ROSS-SC grant funding to eligible applicants to hire a Service Coordinator who assesses the needs of Public and Indian housing residents and links them to local training and supportive services that will enable participants to move along the self-sufficiency continuum.
Promoting Domestic and International Consensus on Clean Fossil Energy and Carbon Management TechnologiesDOE30-Sep-24$10,000,000 Program Area 1: Carbon Management Technologies; Program Area 2: Domestic and International Oil, Natural Gas, Methane Hydrates, Hydrogen, and Critical Minerals.
Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP)USDA30-Sep-24$5,000,000 $500,000,000 Funding to increase significantly the sales and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel by expanding the infrastructure for renewable fuels derived from U.S. agricultural products and market higher blends by sharing the costs related to building out biofuel-related infrastructure.
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (CIFIA) Program: Future Growth GrantsDOE30-Sep-24$500,000,000 $500,000,000 Original closing date was July 30, 2024. Future growth grants are intended to provide financial assistance for designing, developing, and building CO2 transport capacity up front that will then be available for future carbon capture and direct air capture facilities as they are developed and for additional CO2 storage and/or conversion sites as they come into operation.
Manufacturing USA Institute – AI for Resilient ManufacturingDOC30-Sep-24$70,000,000 $70,000,000 Call for applications to establish and operate a Manufacturing USA institute focused on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to strengthen the resilience of U.S. manufacturers. The public-private partnership will integrate expertise in AI, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks to conduct applied R&D projects that address industry-wide needs for innovation leading to greater resilience of manufacturing systems.
Bridge Investment Program - Planning and Bridge Project Grants (2025 Funding)USDOT1-Oct-24$80,000,000 $9,701,000,000 Rolling application for two funding categories: (1) Planning and (2) Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs not greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP). Planning application due 10/1/24 and bridge project application due 11/1/24.
Solar Energy Supply Chain IncubatorDOE7-Oct-24$5,000,000 $38,000,000 Funding for research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that de-risk solar hardware, manufacturing processes, and software products across a wide range of solar technology areas.
WaterSMART Drought Response Program: Drought Resiliency Projects for Fiscal Year 2025DOI7-Oct-24$10,000,000 Leverages Federal and non-Federal funding to work cooperatively with States, Tribes, and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply reliability through investments in existing infrastructure and attention to local water conflicts.
Connected Communities 2.0: Innovations to Manage Growing Transportation, Building, and Industrial Loads to the GridDOE10-Oct-24$6,000,000 $65,000,000 Designed to address major new loads from transportation, industry, and buildings on the electric grid by providing new tools for users, planners, and operators of the electric grid.
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects ProgramUSDOT16-Oct-24$23,870,000 Provides funding to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate nationally significant Federal Lands and Tribal transportation projects.
Solar Technologies’ Rapid Integration and Validation for Energy Systems (STRIVES)DOE17-Oct-24$3,000,000 $31,000,000 Funding for research, development, and demonstration projects to improve power systems simulation software tools and demonstrate new business models for distribution systems operations to integrate and optimize the value of inverter-based resources (IBRs) and distributed energy resources including solar generation, wind generation, energy storage, and other technologies such as buildings and electric vehicles.
Assisting Specialist Crop Exports: Provision of MRL InformationUSDA18-Oct-24$2,500,000 $2,500,000 Aims to open new international markets and solidify existing ones, ensuring that U.S. exports compete on fair and level playing field and helping producers and industry better understand the regulations and requirements that affect their ability to sell their products to foreign customers.
Single Source for the Continuation of the Human Pancreas Analysis Program (HPAP) for Type 1 Diabetes (HPAP-T1D)HHS24-Oct-24$5,500,000 Supports one team of investigators with combined expertise in human pancreas physiology and pathophysiology; immunology and autoimmunity; collection, processing and multimodal analysis of human pancreatic tissues and immune compartments; and biological database building, curation and management.
Digital Equity Competitive Grant ProgramDOC24-Oct-24$12,000,000 $750,000,000 The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations.
The Road to Prevention of Stillbirth Data Coordinating Center (UM2 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)HHS1-Nov-24$2,250,000 $2,250,000 Invites applications to participate as the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for the Stillbirth Research Consortium. The DCC will assist the work of the research projects funded in the companion announcement (see RFA-HD-25-010) and will provide management and support for the Consortium.
Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process InnovationDOE8-Nov-24$3,000,000 $33,700,000 Supports research to develop smart manufacturing technologies that improve the efficiency and economics of circular supply chains; advance sustainable transportation manufacturing; accelerate the development of high-performance materials for the clean energy transition; and create more sustainable, safe, and competitive mining in the United States.
Women's Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Program (K12 Clinical Trial Optional)HHS15-Nov-24$315,000 $4,800,000 The goal of this program is to continue to build the national capacity of outstanding junior clinician-investigators who will strengthen the field of obstetrics and gynecology and contribute to the improvement of womens health. Applicants may request direct cost budgets of up to $315,000 per year. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Marine Debris Removal under the Bipartisan Infrastructure LawDOC31-Jan-25$10,000,000 $47,000,000 Supports the development and implementation of marine debris assessment, removal, and prevention projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and marine and Great Lake resources. Prioritizes large-scale removal projects that focus on marine debris that is generally unable to be collected by hand, including abandoned and derelict vessels, derelict fishing gear and other large debris. Letter of intent due September 27, 2024.
Marine Debris Interception Technologies under the Bipartisan Infrastructure LawDOC7-Feb-25$1,000,000 $7,000,000 Supports the development and implementation of marine debris assessment, removal, and prevention projects that benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and marine and Great Lake resources. Prioritizes the installation, monitoring and maintenance of proven interception technologies that capture marine debris at or close to known debris sources or pathways. Letter of intent due October 9, 2024.
Bridge Investment Program - Large Bridge (2026 Funding)USDOT1-Aug-25Rolling application for Large Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP).
Bridge Investment Program - Planning and Bridge Project Grants (2026 Funding)USDOT1-Oct-25Rolling application for two funding categories: (1) Planning and (2) Bridge Project grants (a project with total eligible costs not greater than $100 million) for awards under the Bridge Investment Program (BIP). Planning application due 10/1/25 and bridge project application due 11/1/25.
Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) DemonstrationUSDOT26-May-26$1,000,000 FY 23-26 grant cycles. Funding to assistance under title 23, U.S.C. in any phase of a highway transportation project between project planning and project delivery, including planning, financing, operation, structures, materials, pavements, environment, and construction
Standardizing Data and Metadata from Wearable DevicesHHS10-Jun-26Supports the creation of standards and related efforts that will allow researchers to easily access data from personal tracking devices. The awardees will be expected to partner with device manufacturers as well as the researcher community. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Animal and Veterinary Innovation Centers HHS8-May-28$1,250,000 $3,000,000 Soliciting applications for inclusion as Animal and Veterinary Innovation Centers, which are intended to form long-term partnerships to address priority areas for FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).
Notice of Intent to Issue FOA number DE-FOA-0003383 entitled Fiscal Year 2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Batteries & Electrification FOADOEForecasted Opportunity for July/August 2024. The potential funding will drive innovations in low-cost electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing, using inexpensive and abundant battery materials in support of a viable domestic materials supply chain, and conducting smart-charge management demonstrations.
Notice of Intent to Issue: Energy Storage Pilot DemonstrationsDOE$20,000,000 $100,000,000 Anticipated release late summer/early fall. Will support pilot-scale demonstrations for non-lithium, long duration energy storage solutions that advance technical maturity, reduce uncertainty in cost and performance characteristics, generate operational datasets, and increase investor and end-user confidence in technical and commercial maturation pathways and timelines.