Stacie Marsh, MPA, CPH, GPC
Stacie Marsh has over 15 years of experience working with hospitals and healthcare systems, institutions of higher education, municipal corporations, and large non-profit organizations.
Stacie maintains a Certificate in Public Health (CPH) from the American Public Health Association and the highest industry credential in professional grantsmanship through the Grant Professionals Certification (GPC). She routinely serves on grant review panels at federal, state, and community levels. A published author, Stacie has a keen understanding of the changing healthcare landscape and is uniquely positioned to assist grant seekers in translating their visions to optimally resonate with funders in an increasingly competitive environment. Stacie has grant experience with, AHRQ, DOJ, EDA, HHS, HRSA, IRS, NIH, NSF, SAMHSA, USDOT, among others